A Gem in Slovenia’s Gorizia Hills

A Gem in Slovenia’s Gorizia Hills

To the visitor, the Gorizia Hills of Slovenia feel like an undiscovered treasure – the area is not over-touristed, overdeveloped, or overbuilt. History and geography have conspired to keep it this way. One is greeted by emerald hills, quaint towns, fresh air,...
The Barolo Wines of Le Strette Winery

The Barolo Wines of Le Strette Winery

Piemonte is sometimes called Piedmont and means “foot of the mountains” in Italian. It is an apt description of this lush region that sits at the foot of the Alps in northwestern Italy. Its northern mountains frame the charming hilly landscape, quaint old...
What is an Orange Wine?

What is an Orange Wine?

What on Earth is Orange Wine? First, let’s get one thing out of the way: Orange wine contains no oranges. You probably haven’t heard much about it, because it’s a wine that’s tricky to make, and it’s just beginning to make a comeback...
Dry Farm Wines

Dry Farm Wines

Most of us are thinking more about where our foods come from. We’ve read the headlines about glyphosate being linked to cancer and know it makes a difference when we eat the cleanest foods possible. But do we carry those standards over to the wines we drink and think...

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