Visiting Chateau Golan

Visiting Chateau Golan

If you’ve read the numerous references to wine throughout the Bible, attended a Seder dinner at Passover, or recall that Jesus’s first public miracle was turning water into wine, you may think that wine and Israel are a natural association.  However, in recent...
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

From your friends at Revealed films… Wishing you a joyful, prosperous new year! We appreciate your support and the community we’re developing here, and we’re looking forward to the coming year in anticipation of great things. With Purpose, Dr....


Happy Holidays from the Wine Revealed Team!  It is hard to imagine this time of year without the pop of a cork and a refreshing, bubbly glass of magic to toast the season. Friends, family, gifts, special parties, and welcoming a New Year – there is so much to...
Introducing the Brda Wine Region

Introducing the Brda Wine Region

When you think of the great wine regions of the world, you think of the Rhine Valley, Bordeaux, Tuscany, and Brda… Wait a minute – Brda? Is that a typo? Quite the opposite! Brda is an amazing wine region making a name for itself on the world scene. On Wine...
With Friends and Grace: Valtellina Wines

With Friends and Grace: Valtellina Wines

Centuries before the Roman Empire conquered most of what was then the known world, the Etruscan civilization flourished. They were more than a people group – they were a civilization in their own right, with powerful trading routes throughout the Mediterranean...

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